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Regenerus launch "An introduction to advanced functional testing for Lichen Planus"

From speaking with our community of practitioners, we learnt that many wanted handy reference guides to summarises advanced testing options for key health conditions.

In light of this, our Clinical Support Specialist, Virginia Blake, has written a clinically robust introduction to advanced testing options for Lichen Planus.

Read and bookmark this page if ever you are looking for a starting point for advanced testing options for Lichen Planus.

What practitioners will learn

In this article, we'll look at Lichen Planus; examining the risk factors, aetiology and pathology and how it can inform test selection.

  • To classify Lichen Planus
  • To summarise Lichen Planus' key disease mechanisms
  • To provide a summary of the advanced functional tests avaliable to practitioners to assess and manage Lichen Planus

Access the guide

Access "Intro to advanced functional testing for Lichen Planus" guide

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