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Practitioner Testimonial: Nicola Moore

Jo's training was magnificent today. I am always blown away by how she is able to explain things so very beautifully. It is so relaxing to hear her talk through tests, as she just makes them make sense! THANK YOU!

Nicola Moore, DipION, mBANT, CNCHReg

Nicola Moore is a qualified nutritionist who has worked in nutrition and lifestyle medicine since 2004. After acting as a senior academic at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) for over 12 years, and Head of Clinics for 4 years, Nicola now runs Nicola Moore Nutrition and Wellbeing. She is also a writer and speaker, writing for the likes of Grazia, OK! Magazine, Stella Magazine, The Sunday Telegraph, Liz Earle Wellbeing and Sainsbury’s Magazine.
