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Regenerus Labs becomes exclusive UK and Ireland distributor of Long Covid test from leading immunology lab, Immunosciences

Regenerus Labs is excited to announce that we are now the official and exclusive UK distributor for a test that can help detect whether a patient is suffering from Long COVID.

The test is called the Long Covid Panel and is provided by California-based Immunosciences Lab, an internationally respected specialist in autoimmunity testing directed under the scientific expertise of Immunologist, Dr Aristo Vodjani.

The power of this test is that not only can it diagnose  whether your patient is suffering from Long Covid, but it allows you to identify it at an early stage where treatment can be applied to reduce the impact of chronic autoimmune disease.

As the test is conducted using ELISA methodology, the gold standard for measuring antibodies against environmental factors, any positive results are reliable and accurate.

With only a 7-day turnaround time, plus simple test report, and fair pricing, this Long Covid Panel is speedy, affordable and easy to read, use and apply.

Buy the Long Covid Panel

For practitioners, click here


For patients, click here


To see answers to FAQs on this test, see below:

What does this test measure?

Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, EBV, HHV-6 and their contribution to Long COVID, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and autoimmunity.

What lab methodological process powers this test?

The analysis of the Long Covid Panel is conducted using the ELISA methodology; which is clinically recognised as the gold standard technology for the measurement of antibodies against various environmental factors.

Where is the sample analysis conducted?

The sample analysis is at Immunosciences Lab in Los Angeles, California, USA under the supervision of an immunologist and clinical lab scientist licensed by the state of California.

This facility is accredited By CLIA, the state of California, and the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and operated by trained and licensed clinical professionals

Where does this test sit within this area of testing's market?

Our Clinical Support Specialists are constantly researching the functional medicine landscape. As far as we know, this is the only test like this that links viruses to Long COVID and autoimmunity.

How do practitioners’ patients provide their samples for this test?

Patients provide their samples through blood draw, serum.

How do you read the test report?

Comparison with established reference ranges will reveal positivity or negativity. 

Have any respected clinical bodies or publishers advocated using this test?

Yes, many published articles from 2021-2022. For details, contact Immunosciences Labs.
