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Regenerus launches MicrogenDX UTI referral service with Dickson Chemist

We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched the MicrogenDX UTI referral service.

This means that all our MicrogenDX UTI patients will now have the opportunity to be referred for prescription with Dicksons Chemist, a leading national pharmacy.

This is a huge benefit to our MicrogenDX UTI customers because it will give them access to their prescription quickly, easily, affordably and safely.

Previously, MicrogenDX UTI users faced significant barriers to get hold of the specialist antibiotics the test recommend.

Knowing that our MicrogenDX UTI customers are chronic UTI sufferers, we recognised how frustrating it must be to discover the medicine to end your condition but not be able to access it. Therefore, we’re proud to have created a solution to end this.


Our referral partnership with, Dickson Chemist, a leading private prescription provider

We formed a partnership with Dickson Chemist, a leading Scottish pharmacy chain. Dickson Chemist has agreed to accept MicrogenDX UTI referrals from us.

To ensure good clinical governance practice, Dickson Chemist does not make partnership agreements lightly. We’re therefore really pleased that they’ve partnered with us after a thorough review of our company and processes.


Solving a critical barrier for our MicroGenDX UTI users

After listening to our customers, we learned that patients found it very difficult to a get a prescription for their MicrogenDX UTI report’s antibiotics recommendation.

The MicrogenDX UTI is a life-changing diagnostic test that identifies the specific antibiotics required to end a patient’s chronic UTIs.

However, patients informed us that they found it difficult to get the MicrogenDX UTI’s antibiotics recommendation as NHS GPs do not prescribe them. Upon investigating, we learnt that this is for a few reasons, but mainly because the NHS does not accept diagnostic tests from private labs.

Consequently, patients faced a frustrating situation - although they would learn what they needed to take to help their chronic UTI, they struggled to get access to the required antibiotic.

In light of this, we sought to remove this difficulty for patients by finding a partner we can refer patients onto.

Our clinical support specialist, Andrea Lavey, researched and screened suitable partners, ultimately encountering Dickson Chemist, a chain of pharmacies that offer private prescriptions service.

After a thorough review of each other’s practices, we found a partnership - Dickson will accept MicrogenDX UTI report referrals.

This brings the patient a few key clear benefits:
  • More efficiency - the patient spend less time seeking access to antibiotic therapy
  • More confidence - the patient utilises a reputable, renowned and highly experienced pharmacy
  • More affordability - the patient avoids unnecessary private consultation fees simply to get an antibiotic prescription


How MicrogenDX UTI referral service works

When we send the patient their MicrogenDX UTI report, we will notify them of the opportunity to be referred to Dickson for prescription.

At this point, we will highlight that:
  • this referral service is in response to the barriers patients typically face when accessing the MicrogenDX UTI’s antibiotics recommendations
  • this is an optional service
  • to be referred, patient will need top opt in and share patient data.
  • when opting in, the patient’s report will be shared with Dickson Chemist
  • that Dickson Chemist is an accredited and reputable organisation
  • a service fee will be chargeable by Dicksons for this service
  • once referred, Dickson will contact patients directly to offer the service
  • once referred, the patient will deal directly with Dickson's and they’ll organise the prescription delivery and further management etc.
  • Dickson will only take referrals via Regenerus (and therefore patients cannot take a MicrogenDX report independently). For clinical safety purposes, Dickson Chemist will only accept patient data from verified medical professionals and organisations.

We’ll also raise awareness of our MicrogenDX UTI referral service through our promotional communications.


Proud to be partnered with Dickson Chemist, a reputable and reliable service partner

Dickson Chemist is an award winning, independent pharmacy chain that consists of 9 NHS pharmacies and 1 private dispensing facility. We have been dispensing private prescriptions for over 15 years and pride ourselves on our ability to deliver a seamless, accurate and fast service. All of our professionals are highly experienced and adopt a holistic and personalised approach to all patients.


Comment from Andrea Lavey, our Clinical Support Specialist

“The MicroGenDX UTI is a life-changing diagnostic test that identifies the specific microbes and antibiotic sensitivities needed to end a patient’s chronic UTIs.

Unfortunately, there was one stumbling block patients were facing and that was getting a prescription for antibiotics.

By launching our new MicroGenDX UTI referral service with Dickson Chemist, I’m really pleased that we’ve created a solution to this significant customer barrier.  

As a leading national pharmacy chain, I’m confident they can deliver a prescription service that’s clinically rigorous, professional, safe, and secure.”


Learn more about the MicroGenDX UTI diagnostic test, the game-changer for chronic UTI sufferers

The MicroGenDX UTI test identifies the type and abundance of microbes, pathogens, and antimicrobial resistance genes present in a patient’s urinary tract.

The benefit of conducting this test is that by identifying the type and abundance of microbes, as well as the antimicrobial sensitivities, present in urinary tract, the health practitioner can learn which is the most suitable antibiotic to use to treat the chronic UTI.

For more information, visit our MicroGenDX UTI product page.