As advanced health testing is a fast-moving, global industry, it can difficult for practitioners, particularly graduates, to know and remember its key providers, products and people.
In light of this, we've created an article series to provide quick overviews of our partners - who are widely recognised as the world's leading advanced health test laboratories.
In this article, we provide an overview of Precision Analytical, summarising who they are, what they specialise in, what their key lab processes are, and most popular advanced tests.
Regenerus Labs is a leading distributor of Precision Analytical tests to UK, EU and UAE healthcare practitioners.
Who are Precision Analytical?
Precision Analytical are a world leader in advanced hormone testing. Its test range covers over 40 types of hormones, including:
- Cortisol
- Cortisone
- Cortisol Metabolites
- Creatinine
- Melatonin
- Progesterone
- Testosterone
- Androgen
- Estrogen
- Metabolites
What qualifications and licenses do Precision Analytical have?
Precision Analytical are licensed by Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) and participates in College of American Pathologists (CAP) quality assurance and proficie programs.
Who founded Precision Analytical?
Precision Analytical was founded by Mark Newman. Mark is an internationally recognised hormone testing expert. Mark spent 25 years of his career developing and leading urine and salivary testing labs (including at respected international lab, ZRT for over six years), gaining a thorough insight into blood, urine, and saliva hormone testing. This unique led him to start Precision Analytical in 2012 where he created the DUTCH test, widely regarded to be one of the most comprehensive and accurate hormone tests available.
Mark has co-authored many peer-reviewed studies on the effectiveness of dried urine testing to measure hormones.
Where is Precision Analytical based, and when was it established?
Precision Analytical is based in Oregon, USA, and was founded in 2012.
What clinical research has Precision been involved with or cited in to varify their testing methods?
Precision Analytical have been very involved in clinical research has produced multiple peer-reviewed studies proving the effectiveness of dried urine testing as an alternative to serum (blood) or saliva for monitoring a variety of hormone therapy applications. Below are some examples:
In 2021, Precision Analytical presented peer-reviewed research on dried urine testing to the North American Menopause Society. This validated that dried urine testing is an effective alternative to serum or saliva for monitoring hormone therapy applications.
In 2019, in collaboration with the University of Southern California Reproductive Endocrine Clinical Laboratory, Precision Analytic published a peer-review paper BMC Chemistry that proved that dried urine samples on filter paper provided results that correlated with serum results.
A 2020 journal featured DUTCH in a study to determine the utility of dried urine sampling in obtaining measures of cortisol and cortisol metabolites. Additional aims were to evaluate if a 4-spot urine collection is representative of a 24-hour urine collection and if expected diurnal cortisol patterns can be observed in samples from both urine and saliva.
How do Precision Analytical ensure that their tests are accurate, reliable and consistent?
Precision Analytical use liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) to identify different analytes within a test sample.
These are widely regarded in the laboratory testing community to be highly accurate testing processes. Precision Analytical's research also has proven that these methods show increased accuracy over immunoassays.
What is Precision Analytical’s flagship test?
DUTCH Complete
DUTCH Complete provides a comprehensive assessment of 35 separate sex and adrenal hormones, including oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and cortisol, along with their metabolites. It measures daily free cortisol and cortisone patterns, the oxidative stress marker 8-OHdG, melatonin, and nine other organic acids.
DUTCH add-ons and combinations
There are a host of add-on panels and combination panels of the DUTCH test.

Get further support regarding advanced testing with Precision Analytical
Impressed by Precision Analytical's powerful advanced hormone testing capabilities but would like to learn more? Simply contact us via the form below and one of our customer service team will be in touch. Estimated response time is 48 (not including weekends).