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20% off any 1-month supply of any iulabs product

To celebrate the iüLabs's launch, we're offering patients 20% off retail price off any 1-month supply iüLab product

The offer:

20% off retail price off any 1-month supply iüLab product

The choice:

  • iüProtect - 1 month's supply
  • iüMove - 1 month's supply
  • iüVitalizer - 1 month's supply

How to receive the offer:

  • Fill in and submit the offer form below
  • We’ll send you an email with a discount code in the next few days
  • Select and purchase any 1-month supplyour main site (www.regeneruslabs.com) not via our practitioners portal (www.regeneruslabs-myportal.com)
  • Enter the discount code at the checkout

The rules!

  • To receive either offer, you or your patient must register for offer by 2nd June 2022 use the offer by Friday 9th June 2022.

Submit form
