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Shipping Rates

UK Shipping and Postage

All return shipping of test samples within the mainland UK, provided by Regenerus Laboratories, is included in the laboratory testing fee. Should you choose to use an alternative service provider or deliver by hand, no discounts or partial refunds will be provided.

If you submit your sample specimen to us without closely following the test shipping instructions ( normally related to packaging, sample preparation, or timing), your sample may be rejected as not fit for purpose.  We will happily resend you a replacement test collection with new return shipping documentation subject to our resend fee. The Resend Fee of £15.00 covers new postage, new test kit, and new return shipping.


We offer international services where test collection kits are sent from Ireland to the EU and 'Export' to the rest of the world and where a specimen is returned to Ireland.

Shipping Fees

UK and international shipping guide fees may vary based on volume and size, typically these are for items up to 0.5kg and exclude remote locations in rural areas.

All shipping services provided through Regenerus Laboratories are wholly independent, occasionally samples may get delayed or damaged in transit for which we cannot be held responsible. Please see our published terms and conditions for full details.

To comply with shipping regulations and to process an international shipment we must have the full Receiver Name, Full Address, Post/Zip code, Country, Local Telephone Number, and Email address. To avoid delay, please supply with order request.

Any customs and excise fees billed will be chargeable in addition to the carriage fees. Rural and Island locations may have further charges applicable which will be invoiced retrospectively.

