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Service delivery during Covid-19 outbreak

The impact of the Corona Virus is being felt right across the UK, and we hope that you, your family and friends remain safe and well.

Following recent enquires we can confirm that there are very few restrictions at the current time and service is nearly normal.

We can confirm

  • All our UK and global laboratory service providers are open and continue to provide a full service.

  • All courier services are running as usual.

  • We are operating as normal and providing a nearly full service.

Restrictions on travel are limited to human traffic and not the transportation of parcels or packages, which means we are still providing a full uninterrupted service to most of Europe and the United States.

The situation is fluid and may change, and we will update our customers if it does.

Due to staff limitations we will be operating a reduced phone service. Thank you for your continued support.

Stay well.

From all The Regenerus Laboratories Team.


