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US Biotek Lab - UB027

295 IgE Food, Inhalant & Components Panel

Intolerance and Allergy Blood (Venous) Turn Around Time: 5 Days
Recommended: Contact practitioner before placing order
Turn Around Time: 5 Days


Since the structure and cross-reactivity of specific IgE (sIgE) components are known, the use of our 295 IgE Panel can help unravel cross-reactivity in complex, multi-sensitized patients. While there are multiple forms of treatment for IgE allergies, food avoidance and allergy immunotherapy (AIT) are front-line therapies that can be supported by the 295 IgE profile and its unique blend of whole extract allergens and specific IgE components.


quantitative ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbant assay) analysis

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  • Wheat IgE

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Since the structure and cross-reactivity of specific IgE (sIgE) components are known, the use of our 295 IgE Panel can help unravel cross-reactivity in complex, multi-sensitized patients. While there are multiple forms of treatment for IgE allergies, food avoidance and allergy immunotherapy (AIT) are front-line therapies that can be supported by the 295 IgE profile and its unique blend of whole extract allergens and specific IgE components.


quantitative ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbant assay) analysis

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  • Wheat IgE