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Doctors Data - DD016

GI Inflammation - calprotectin, lysozyme, lactoferrin, sIgA

Turn Around Time: 10 Days
Recommended: Contact practitioner before placing order
Turn Around Time: 10 Days


Calprotectin is a highly sensitive GI inflammation marker and is used to distinguish between IBS and IBD conditions - such as Crohn's and UC.
Lactoferrin is GI inflammatory marker associated with IBD conditions such as Crohn's and UC.
Lysozyme is a biomarker of an inflammatory immune response in the gut and can be helpful in the determination of pathogen-induced inflammation activity.
Secretory IgA (SIgA) represents the first line of defense of the GI mucosa and is central to the normal function of the GI tract as an immune barrier.


BÜHLMANN fCAL® & fPELA® turbo assays for Calprotectin. Both assays are FDA 510(k) cleared and intended for in vitro Diagnostic Use and are run on a Beckman Coulter DxC 700 AU Chemistry Analyzer.
Elisa for lactoferrin, lysozyme and sIgA

When should I use

GI Inflammation is a great option for assessing success of any therapeutic intervention and for monitoring IBD and/ or altered gastrointestinal immunity

Other Details

  • Calprotectin
  • Lactoferrin
  • Lysozyme
  • Secretory IgA

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Calprotectin is a highly sensitive GI inflammation marker and is used to distinguish between IBS and IBD conditions - such as Crohn's and UC.
Lactoferrin is GI inflammatory marker associated with IBD conditions such as Crohn's and UC.
Lysozyme is a biomarker of an inflammatory immune response in the gut and can be helpful in the determination of pathogen-induced inflammation activity.
Secretory IgA (SIgA) represents the first line of defense of the GI mucosa and is central to the normal function of the GI tract as an immune barrier.


BÜHLMANN fCAL® & fPELA® turbo assays for Calprotectin. Both assays are FDA 510(k) cleared and intended for in vitro Diagnostic Use and are run on a Beckman Coulter DxC 700 AU Chemistry Analyzer.
Elisa for lactoferrin, lysozyme and sIgA

When should I use

GI Inflammation is a great option for assessing success of any therapeutic intervention and for monitoring IBD and/ or altered gastrointestinal immunity

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  • Calprotectin
  • Lactoferrin
  • Lysozyme
  • Secretory IgA