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Mosaic Diagnostics (formerly) Great Plains - CMI47


Environmental Toxicity Urine Turn Around Time: 10 Days
Recommended: Contact practitioner before placing order
Turn Around Time: 10 Days


This test measures urinary levels of glyphosate, the world's most widely produced herbicide. It is a broad-spectrum product used in agriculture, forestry and the home.


FMV Urine

When should I use

Recent studies have discovered glyphosate exposure to be a cause of many chronic health problems. It can enter the body by direct absorption through the skin, by eating foods treated with glyphosate, or by drinking water contaminated with glyphosate. There are studies indicating glyphosate disrupts the intestinal microbiome decreasing the ratio of beneficial to harmful bacteria.

High correlations exist between glyphosate usage and numerous chronic illnesses, including autism, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, obesity, lipoprotein metabolism disorder, Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal infections, end-stage renal disease, acute kidney failure, cancers of the thyroid, liver, bladder, pancreas, kidney, and myeloid leukaemia.

Other Details

Glyphosate can be ordered as an add-on (code CMI48) to Great Plains OAT, Mycotoxin test or GPL-Tox (Toxic Organic Chemical Exposure) tests
Glyphosate is included in ENVIROtox Complete Panel (code GPL01) Great Plains' comprehensive environmental toxicity test.
  • Glyphosate

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This test measures urinary levels of glyphosate, the world's most widely produced herbicide. It is a broad-spectrum product used in agriculture, forestry and the home.


FMV Urine

When should I use

Recent studies have discovered glyphosate exposure to be a cause of many chronic health problems. It can enter the body by direct absorption through the skin, by eating foods treated with glyphosate, or by drinking water contaminated with glyphosate. There are studies indicating glyphosate disrupts the intestinal microbiome decreasing the ratio of beneficial to harmful bacteria.

High correlations exist between glyphosate usage and numerous chronic illnesses, including autism, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, obesity, lipoprotein metabolism disorder, Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal infections, end-stage renal disease, acute kidney failure, cancers of the thyroid, liver, bladder, pancreas, kidney, and myeloid leukaemia.

Other Details

Glyphosate can be ordered as an add-on (code CMI48) to Great Plains OAT, Mycotoxin test or GPL-Tox (Toxic Organic Chemical Exposure) tests
Glyphosate is included in ENVIROtox Complete Panel (code GPL01) Great Plains' comprehensive environmental toxicity test.

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  • Glyphosate