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Doctors Data - CMI38

Zonulin - Serum

Digestive Health Blood (Venous) Turn Around Time: 3 Days
Recommended: Contact practitioner before placing order
Turn Around Time: 3 Days


Zonulin is a protein synthesised in intestinal and liver cells that reversibly regulates intestinal permeability. High levels of circulating zonulin have been associated with intestinal permeability as it induces the breakdown of the tight junctions between epithelial cells. The impairment and loss of tight junctions increases intestinal permeability and allows polypeptides and macromolecules to pass between epithelial cells into the lamina propria layer of the gut wall. This can induce an antigen response and promote proinflammatory cytokine production in the enteric immune system. Zonulin is the only regulator of intestinal permeability known to be reversible so is an excellent tool for monitoring clinical and therapeutic interventions.


Enzyme Immunoassay

When should I use

Celiac disease
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
Type I diabetes
Juvenile nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Multiple sclerosis
Rhuematoid arthritis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Adult glucose intolerance

Other Details

Other tests to consider:
DD005 - GI360 complete + zonulin + HPylori
  • Zonulin

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Zonulin is a protein synthesised in intestinal and liver cells that reversibly regulates intestinal permeability. High levels of circulating zonulin have been associated with intestinal permeability as it induces the breakdown of the tight junctions between epithelial cells. The impairment and loss of tight junctions increases intestinal permeability and allows polypeptides and macromolecules to pass between epithelial cells into the lamina propria layer of the gut wall. This can induce an antigen response and promote proinflammatory cytokine production in the enteric immune system. Zonulin is the only regulator of intestinal permeability known to be reversible so is an excellent tool for monitoring clinical and therapeutic interventions.


Enzyme Immunoassay

When should I use

Celiac disease
Non-celiac gluten sensitivity
Type I diabetes
Juvenile nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Multiple sclerosis
Rhuematoid arthritis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Adult glucose intolerance

Other Details

Other tests to consider:
DD005 - GI360 complete + zonulin + HPylori

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  • Zonulin