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Doctors Data - EED1

Hepatic Detox Profile

Environmental Toxicity Urine Turn Around Time: 7 Days
Recommended: Contact practitioner before placing order
Turn Around Time: 7 Days


The body continually attempts to eliminate chemical toxins through enzymatic processes in the liver. Urinary D-glucaric acid, a byproduct of Phase I detoxification, is an indicator of chemical exposure to over 200 chemicals. Urinary mercapturic acids are excreted end products of Phase II detoxification. Together, assessment of these two analytes provides valuable information about exposure to xenobiotics, liver disease and the ability of the liver to eliminate toxins. This non-invasive test requires a single, first morning void (FMV) urine collection.
Results are expressed per unit creatinine to normalize for dilution effects, and reference ranges are age and gender specific.
The test does not replace comprehensive liver tests for cases of advanced liver disease.


D-Glucaric: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Mercapturic: Enzymatic assay

When should I use

Especially important for symptomatic patients or those who have a history of chemical sensitivity.
Consider if patient exposure includes many xenobiotics, pesticides, fungicides, petrochemicals, drugs, toluene, formaldehyde, styrenes and more.
Useful for:
Detoxification Therapy
Liver Detoxification Function
This test does not require the use of hepatotoxic compounds.

Other Details

  • D-glucaric acid
  • Mercapturic acid

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The body continually attempts to eliminate chemical toxins through enzymatic processes in the liver. Urinary D-glucaric acid, a byproduct of Phase I detoxification, is an indicator of chemical exposure to over 200 chemicals. Urinary mercapturic acids are excreted end products of Phase II detoxification. Together, assessment of these two analytes provides valuable information about exposure to xenobiotics, liver disease and the ability of the liver to eliminate toxins. This non-invasive test requires a single, first morning void (FMV) urine collection.
Results are expressed per unit creatinine to normalize for dilution effects, and reference ranges are age and gender specific.
The test does not replace comprehensive liver tests for cases of advanced liver disease.


D-Glucaric: High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Mercapturic: Enzymatic assay

When should I use

Especially important for symptomatic patients or those who have a history of chemical sensitivity.
Consider if patient exposure includes many xenobiotics, pesticides, fungicides, petrochemicals, drugs, toluene, formaldehyde, styrenes and more.
Useful for:
Detoxification Therapy
Liver Detoxification Function
This test does not require the use of hepatotoxic compounds.

Other Details


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  • D-glucaric acid
  • Mercapturic acid