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Practitioner Testimonial: Elouise Bauskis

"The lovely lady I dealt with was extremely helpful and very patient with me as this was the first time I'd ever used the practitioner portal and needed to place an order. I felt confident and reassured with her help and all the information she provided me, so I completed it all successfully. Thank you!"

Elouise Bauskis ND, BSc, DN, DBM, mNNA, mAMH, mGNC

Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist and Technical Support Officer for Nutri Advanced

Elouise is an Australian-trained Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist with 15 years’ experience in private clinical practice and 20 years’ experience within the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Industry. She is a fully registered and insured Practitioner and a member of both the Association of Master Herbalists and the General Naturopathic Council. Elouise has a wealth of knowledge and experience, expanded and honed over many years. She is able to translate complicated information into easily understood and logical concepts for clients and is inspired to educate and empower them to make life-long, positive health changes.
