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Lab guide: MicroGenDx, specialists in microbial DNA sequencing diagnostic testing

As advanced health testing is a fast-moving, global industry, it can difficult for practitioners, particularly graduates, to know and remember its key providers, products and people.

In light of this, we've written a series of articles to provide quick overviews of our partners - who are widely recognised as the world's leading advanced health test laboratories.

In this article, we provide an overview of MicroGenDx, summarising who they are, what they specialise in, what their key lab processes are, and most popular advanced tests.

Regenerus Labs is the leading distributer of MicroGenDx health tests for UK, EU and UAE healthcare practitioners.

Who are MicroGenDx?

MicroGenDX is an advanced health testing laboratory that specialises in microbial DNA sequencing diagnostic testing to identify pathogenic microbes within patient samples.

They do this through an innovative 2-step process which combines qPCR and NGS to identify microbes.

MicroGenDX offers microbial DNA sequencing testing kits for a comprehensive array of medical specialties and infection types, including:

What are the benefits of PCR+NGS technology, and why are MicrogenDX leaders in it?

This PCR+NGS technology is beneficial because it provides:

  • Comprehensive next-generation sequencing results in an average of 3.5 days. No more waiting days or weeks for culture results, which can be incomplete or inaccurate
  • A clear representation of the relative abundance of microbes in each sample, offering insight into dominant pathogens and a more complete picture of biofilms
  • Antimicrobial resistance genes and antimicrobials for consideration in 24-48 hours
  • The most refined and targeted treatment options to resolve chronic infections more quickly

Why MicroGenDX is the technology leader in microbial identification for infections?

MicroGenDX offers the best clinical microbial DNA sequencing solution available.

Here are some of the reasons why MicroGenDX has become the technology leader in DNA sequencing for acute, chronic, and recurring bacterial and fungal infections:

  • Matches microbes detected in samples to a curated database of 50,000+ species
  • Least expensive cost worldwide for qPCR + NGS testing
  • Accepts the widest variety of sample/media types
  • Fast turnaround times (24-48 hours for qPCR, 3.5 days average for NGS)
  • Sequencing of 17 antimicrobial resistance genes for all major classes of antimicrobials
  • Only US molecular micro lab with 12 years CAP proficiency for qPCR and NGS with 99.2% accuracy
  • MicroGenDX used in more published clinical trials (35+) than any other laboratory
  • Most experienced qPCR+NGS lab with more than 500,000 samples processed
  • Only NGS lab with published data showing 96.1% concordance with culture

What accreditations and licenses does MicrogenDX have?

MicroGenDX® Laboratory is a CAP accredited, CLIA licensed clinical diagnostic laborator.

What clinical research has MicroGenDx been involved with?

To date there have been over 35 published studies across multiple medical specialties utilising MicroGenDX NGS, with 40 more studies currently underway.

When was MicrogenDX established, and where?

MicrogenDX was founded in April 2017, and are based in Orlando, Florida.

Explore our range of MircogenDX's advanced functional tests

