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How to Use Epigenetic (Biological Age) Testing in Your Practice webinar recording

How to Use Epigenetic (Biological Age) Testing in Your Practice

Watch the webinar with TruDiagnostic to expand your knowledge on how biological age and DNA affect your client's health. 

Watch the webinar recording to learn: 
  • The Crucial Role of Biological Aging: Discover why understanding aging is pivotal for our health and longevity

  • Decoding the Aging Process: Learn about innovative methods to measure aging and what they mean for your patients

  • Genetics vs. Epigenetics: Unravel the differences and why they matter

  • The Power of DNA Methylation: Explore how DNAm algorithms are revolutionizing our approach to aging

  • Epigenetic Clocks Uncovered: A comparative look at the tools measuring biological age

  • Introducing OMICmAge: Get acquainted with the latest advancements in the field



 Download the slides here.


Other research mentioned: 

The Alzhemiers statistic is going to come from Dr. Matt Kaeberlin here 
See his podcast here 

