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Lab guide: Quicksilver Scientific, specialists in metal detoxification testing and supplements

As advanced health testing is a fast-moving, global industry, it can difficult for practitioners, particularly graduates, to know and remember its key providers, products and people.

In light of this, we've written a series of articles to provide quick overviews of our partners - who are widely recognised as the world's leading advanced health test laboratories.

In this article, we provide an overview of Quicksilver Scientific, summarising who they are, what they specialise in, what their key lab processes are, and highlighting their most popular advanced tests.

Regenerus Labs is the UK's leading distributor of Quicksilver Scientific tests to UK, EU and UAE healthcare practitioners.

Who are Quicksilver Scientific?

Quicksilver Scientific are a leading advanced health test and supplement laboratory that specialises in metal detoxification.

Specifically, they deliver this through three ways: advanced heavy metal testing, superior liposomal delivery systems and detoxification programs.

Quicksilver Scientific is an ethical lab as its supplement ingredients are all sustainably harvested.

Where is Quicksilver Scientific based?

Quicksilver Scientific is based in Lafayette, and was founded in 2005.

Who founded Quicksilver Scientific?

Quicksilver Scientific was founded by Dr Christopher Shade. Dr Christopher Shade has a B.S and M.S. degrees in environmental and aqueous chemistry from Lehigh University, as well as a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. It was during his PhD that he patented an analytical technology for mercury speciation analysis, which led him to found Quicksilver Scientific.

Dr. Shade is a regular speaker on the topics of mercury, environmental toxicities, neuroinflammation, immune dysregulation, and the human detoxification system and has helped business professionals, leading sports, celebrities, children with autism, chronic immune disorder sufferers and more.

What licenses and accreditations do Quicksilver Scientific have?

Quicksilver Scientific is CLIA-certified.

What are Quicksilver Scientific’s flagship products?

Mercury Tri-Test

This test assesses the body’s mercury burden and its ability to eliminate it, enabling practitioners to understand the level and source of mercury exposure, as well as if additional support is needed to detoxify it.

To buy the Mercury Tri-Test, click here.

Blood Metals Panel

This measures levels 16 metals to show elevated exposure to toxic metals or imbalances of nutrient metals in whole blood. Results from this test can be used as a standalone screening, or to enhance information obtained from the Mercury Tri-Test.

To buy the Blood Metals Panels, click here.
