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An introduction to Regenerus Labs

At Regenerus Labs, we work with many colleges, particularly the likes of BANT, ION and CNM, to help train their graduates in functional medicine. As a part of this, we often find graduates ask us to clarify our value proposition in the functional health market, and the range of services we offer. This is understandable, as the world advanced functional and diagnostics testing can be complex - a matter we are trying to simplify.

In light of this, we've written a short guide to summarise how we help functional medicine professionals access, interpret and apply advanced tests. To learn how, read and refer to the below.

Healthcare practitioners want to use the most advanced functional and diagnostic tests for their patients

Access to the world’s most advanced health tests are highly coveted by leading UK and EU healthcare professionals. This because these tests provide the most accurate, in-depth and comprehensive health analyses available.

The more advanced the health test a practitioner uses:

  • the more comprehensive their assessment of the patient
  • the more informed and substantiated the diagnosis
  • and the more precise the treatment they are able to give

Ultimately, this means better patient care.

However, the problem is that advanced functional tests are very difficult to access

However, the problem is that the laboratories that conduct these highly advanced health tests are based all over the world.

This means that UK and European healthcare professionals face a host of difficulties when trying to accessing, understand and use them. These include:

Logistic and shipping issues

Managing the logistics of sending samples abroad brings a daunting number of challenges, including managing lab paperwork and sample requirements, international couriers and customs procedures. This issue is magnified when dealing with multiple lab.

Limited customer services

As the process of testing is complex with multiple steps and parties, inevitably questions arise. However, unfortunately, when contacting labs direct quality customer isn’t always available because of factors such as different timezones, foreign languages and international call fees.

Complex marketplace and products

Without guidance, advanced health tests and their results can be very difficult to understand, administer, analyse, interpret and apply. This is due to their sheer breadth, unique design and continual advancement.

Regenerus Labs gives health practitioners access to the world’s most advanced diagnostic tests

In light of this, in 2012 Regenerus Labs established with one simple mission: to give healthcare professionals access to the world’s most advanced health testing laboratories.

We do this by handling all the difficulties they face when trying to use the world’s most advanced health tests labs.

Facilitating 100+ advanced health tests from 10+ leading labs

Our distribution partnerships with many of the world’s leading international laboratories means that you can buy hundreds of cutting edge advanced health tests from our website.

Just some of our lab partners include:

  • Doctor’s Data, a specialist in essential elements and toxicity testing
  • Precision Analytical, a hormone testing specialist
  • The Great Plains Laboratory, a world leader in testing for metabolic, mitochondrial, and environmental factors

Combine, our lab partnerships mean we provide a very comprehensive range of advanced testing, areas of which include:

  • Brain: including neurotransmitter assessment, cognitive decline, mood and affective disorders, fatigue
  • Urology: next generation PCR testing for genitourinary
  • Nutrition: including essential elements and organic acid testing.
  • Endocrine: extensive range of sex hormone, thyroid, adrenal panels from blood, saliva and urine - including DUTCH and Thyroid Advanced.
  • Immunology: including Cyrex, the leading laboratory for functional immunology and autoimmunity, as well as comprehensive allergy and sensitivity testing
  • Detox & Environmental: heavy metals, mould & mycotoxins, environmental toxins and hepatic detox capacity
  • Cardio & Metabolic: a complete range of blood chemistry panels including full lipid profiles and independent risk factors
  • Gut: including the most advanced stool test aliable - the GI360, microbiology testing, SIBO breath tests, advanced intestinal barrier assessment, coeliac profiles

Reliable shipping and robust logistics

Our experienced operations team handle the whole process of international shipping and logistics for our practitioner’s and patients. Some of how they do this include:

  • reviewing all samples to ensure they are correctly collected
  • preparing all patient samples to each labs’ requirements
  • arranging international couriers
  • and following customs procedures

Responsive customer service

Our responsive customer service team, available telephone line and email Monday-Friday, 9am-4:30pm, means you or your patient meaning getting in touch with us is quick and simple to resolve a general query.

Qualified clinical education and support

Our free clinical support call service, training events and education resources - all provided by our highly qualified and experienced test experts - means you’ll never be uncertain about which test to use or how to interpret it.

Enabling an evergrowing community of UK and EU practitioners access advanced functional tests

And since starting in 2012, we’re proud to have successfully:

  • assisted & educated 6000+ practitioners
  • supported 20,000+ patients with their samples
  • and even helped to significantly improve the clinical quality and cost-effectiveness of an NHS service

In turn, we’re proud to have become the go-to distributer, facilitating advanced tests  for 1000+ practitioners, including many leading practitioners such as:

  • Harley Street IBS and Autoimmune Clinic - a world-renowned Harley Street functional medicine clinic feauured in the Guardian & Sunday Times, MBHMA.
  • London Clinic of Nutrition, an award-winning nutrition and functional medicine clinic
  • Dr Sarah Davies, Dr Sarah is one of only a small number of fully certified Functional Medicine doctors in the UK who runs a Marylebone-based functional medicine practice

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 To use our services, simply register with us:

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