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Cyrex Array 3X Now Available - Cyrex Laboratories Launches Breakthrough Wheat/Gluten Test

New Test Panel Features First Screen for Microbial Transglutaminase and Gliadin Toxic Peptide Biomarkers

Cyrex Laboratories is pleased to introduce the next step forward in wheat/gluten reactivity testing with its Array 3X, Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity Screen.  

Cyrex is not new to changing the wheat/gluten testing landscape. In 2011 it was the first lab to introduce a landmark test panel for measuring reactivity to multiple new gluten and wheat components not previously available.

The new Array 3X incorporates biomarkers contained in its predecessor—the Array 3—with the addition of four new antigens which expand the test significantly. By introducing its new tests for microbial transglutaminase, gliadin toxic peptide, and non-gluten proteins A and B, Cyrex Laboratories is offering an unprecedented level of insight for physicians to determine the potential source of a patient’s reactivity.

New research from Dr. Aristo Vojdani, PhD, MSc, CLS, chief scientific advisor for Cyrex Laboratories, the renowned pioneer of using ELISA for food immune reactivity and autoimmunity testing shows that as much as 20% of the population may be reacting to these newly added antigens. Dr. Vojdani has broken ground in the development of these new critical biomarkers for screening through Cyrex Laboratories. He has identified gliadin toxic peptide as absolutely essential in gluten reactivity testing. This peptide lies within the larger gluten protein and has proven to be exceptionally resistant to digestion. The ability to identify a reaction to gliadin toxic peptide allows patients to remove the trigger before the intestinal barrier becomes damaged and causes serious long-term health issues.

Array 3X also includes testing for microbial (non-tissue) transglutaminase in addition to transglutaminase 2, 3 and 6. Microbial transglutaminase is an enzyme produced by bacteria, which can send signals impacting brain and nervous system function. Microbial transglutaminase can be exceptionally antigenic in some patients. Patients who consume gluten substitutes like gluten-free pasta may have a reaction to the non-tissue transglutaminase contained within these foods—which may initiate autoimmune reactivity against the other transglutaminases.

“Array 3X goes beyond any gluten immunological screen physicians have had access to in the past, and is the only test panel available for measuring antibodies against gliadin toxic peptide and microbial transglutaminase. This is a very significant step forward in providing a more comprehensive look at gluten/wheat reactivity in patients,” said Jean Bellin, president of Cyrex Laboratories. “These biomarkers can provide new critical insight to physicians due to the antigens’ possible harmful effect on both the brain and nervous system, as well as the potential damage to intestines resulting in celiac disease, and non-celiac gluten sensitivity,” added Bellin.
