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Understanding Gut Health with Doctor’s Data GI360 Profile Course

Gain access to our Doctor's Data  'Understanding Gut Health with Doctor’s Data GI360 Profile' Course. 

Have you been interested in adding GI360 microbiome testing to your practice but don’t know where to begin? The field of GI testing is wide and varied, with seemingly complex reports that may look intimidating at first glance.

In this 6-week course, clinical experts from Doctor’s Data will provide practical insight into testing methodologies and specific markers included in the comprehensive GI360 stool profile, and how to apply this knowledge in clinical practice. Attendees will receive a beneficial overview of each section of the report, beginning with PCR analysis of microbiome abundance and diversity, including the novel Dysbiosis Index and Diversity Score. This expanded view of clinically significant bacteria offers actionable data to the practitioner, particularly in combination with the complementary methodologies employed by Doctor's Data in the GI360™ profile. Subsequent modules within this course will cover GI pathogens via PCR, then moving into parasites by microscopy, pathogenic bacteria and yeast, as well as direct susceptibility testing and stool chemistries. 


Modules include: 

Module 1- Understanding Gut Health with Doctor’s Data GI360 Profile

Module 2- The Importance of GI Abundance and Diversity and Clinically Relevant Key Bacteria Identified by PCR

Module 3- Cultured Bacteria and Yeast and Direct Susceptibilities for Targeted Treatment 

Module 4- Short Chain Fatty Acids, Immune and Digestion Markers Through the Lens of the GI360 

Module 5- Testing and Treatment Options for GI Pathogens and Parasites

Module 6- Case Studies in GI Health: Using the GI360 Profile in Clinical Practice


Learning Objectives: 

  1. Identify appropriate populations that would benefit from GI testing  
  1. Discern the pros and cons of different gastrointestinal testing methodologies 
  1. Recognise common patterns of dysbiosis, pathogens, and parasites 
  1. Interpret GI bacterial abundance and diversity data by PCR in conjunction with bacteria and yeast identified via culture and microscopy 
  1. Identify stool chemistries and immune markers that can improve patient outcomes in clinical practice 
  1. Discuss treatment considerations for various case presentation 

Practitioners enrolled in this course get the Doctor's Data GI360 test for £149*

*Discount can be used up to three times. Only valid for those enrolled in the course and registered with Regenerus Labs. Offer ends July 31st


Already a practitioner? Enroll now! 

Or, register as a practitioner to gain access now
