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Regenerus Lab's now distributing Cyrex's Array 22: Irritable Bowel SIBO Screen

Regenerus Labs is excited to announce that the Array 22 - Irritable Bowl/SIBO Screen is now available.

This revolutionary test is designed to identify small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) that can compromise essential barrier integrity and set the stage for autoimmunity.

Cyrex's Array 22 is recommended for patients with irritable bowel symptoms, signs of malabsorption such as weight loss or anemia, and fatigue or skin disorder issues.

What makes Array 22 so unique?

  • Assesses IgG/IgA/IgM antibodies to a key cytoskeletal protein of the intestinal barrier and IgG/IgA/IgM antibodies to a cytotoxic by-product of gram-negative bacteria associated with SIBO.

  • Improves upon the standard breath test for SIBO by eliminating the need for exhaustive dietary restriction and collection protocols for patients, while providing better specificity and sensitivity through serum antibody testing.

