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Precision Point Diagnostics upgrade the P88 Dietary Antigen Test sample report

Precision Point Diagnostics has made a few improvements to the P88 Dietary Antigen Test sample report. Read on for a quick summary.

Improvements to the summary page

The summary page now clearly shows you exactly how reactive your patient is to each food. You will now see their level of food reaction as a percentage rather than just a number.

The higher the percentage, the higher their level of reaction is compared to the rest of the population.  This allows you to easily make clinical decisions to ensure the most inflammatory foods are removed.

For example, if you had a patient who had 20 foods all come back high, you can see which foods are causing the worst reaction, so they will know which to be most aware of.

Clearer presentation of IgE results

You will also know that if there is a tolerance to an IgE reaction, defined as a greater level of IgG4 to IgE, then no colour will be given in the IgE column.  This is to visually emphasise that the body has developed a tolerance to the allergen, so the IgE reaction will not elicit an immediate reaction.  This column has also been moved to make reading the report easier.

The colours in the IgG4 column have been de-emphasized if the reactions are "moderate" or "high". This is to clearly indicate that in most cases elevated IgG4 is a good thing!

Learn more about Precision Point Diagnostic's P88 Dietary Antigen Test

The P88 Dietary Antigen test is available either from a full blood draw or as a convenient at-home finger prick sample.

Learn more about the P88 (as a practitioner)

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