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Attend our Sex and Stress Hormones webinar with Dr Carrie Jones

Learn all you wanted to know about sex and stress hormones - including PCOS, perimenopause, menopause and more!

What you'll learn

  • What are sex and stress hormones?
  • Why are well regulated sex and stress hormones vital for good health?
  • How do sex and stress hormones work?
  • How do you accurately assess the status of a patient's sex and stress hormones
  • How do you successfully manage and treat disregulated sex and stress hormones?

Register for the webinar

This webinar originally took place via Zoom on 9th April 2020. It is now accessible on-demand in your practitioner's portal.

Please note, in order to access this guide you need to be a registered practitioner with Regenerus Labs. If you're currently not registered, please click the link below to learn how.

Access the webinar Sex and Stress Hormones by Dr Carrie Jones

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