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Practitioner Testimonial: Valentina Cartago

Valentina Cartago is a registered nutritionist and the founder of The Italian Nutritionist. Supporting clients to optimise their health, she has a special interest in cognitive function and digestion conditions.

Practitioner Testimonial: Elouise Bauskis

Elouise is an Australian-trained Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist and Herbalist with 15 years’ experience in private clinical practice and 20 years’ experience within the Complementary and Alternative Medicine Industry.

Practitioner Testimonial: Nicola Shubrook

Nicola Shubrook is a qualified nutritionist registered with the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT), with over 10 years experience having graduated from the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in 2009.

Practitioner Testimonial: Nicola Moore

Nicola Moore is a qualified nutritionist who has worked in nutrition and lifestyle medicine since 2004. After acting as a senior academic at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) for over 12 years, and Head of Clinics for 4 years, Nicola now runs Nicola Moore Nutrition and Wellbeing.

Patient testimonial: Giselle

Learn more about Giselle's experience using Regenerus Labs to facilitate her advanced functional test.

Practitioner Testimonial: Tanya Borowski

Tanya is a Functional Nutritionist and BANT registered Nutritional Therapist. She is the director of her holistically-based healthcare business, with a specialist interest in the Functional Medicine approach to health.

Practitioner Testimonial: Kerry Munson

Kerry Munson is a registered nutritional therapist at The Optimum Health Clinic specialising in helping patients with ME, fatigue and fibromyalgia.
