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Practitioner Testimonial: Valentina Cartago

I had a DUTCH TEST interpretation with Paula Jones this morning and I was incredibly pleased with it. Paula was very thorough, she took the time to go through the whole test and link the results to any symptoms my patient may be experiencing and even answer any questions I had.

She managed to do that within the time allotted. I will definitely encourage more practitioners to take advantage of this incredibly useful service.

Thank you again

Valentina Cartago DipION mBANT CNHC

Valentina Cartago is a registered nutritionist and the founder of The Italian Nutritionist. Supporting clients to optimise their health, she has a special interest in cognitive function and digestion conditions. Valentina is also a Cytoplan licensed practitioner for the online Brain Health Programme to optimise clients overall health and support cognitive function.

To learn more about Valentina, visit her website.
