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Regenerus Labs to be a sponsor of the BANT AGM and Conference 2022

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Mental Health, Precision Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine, Translating Evidence to Clinical Practice BANT AGM and Conference 2022

Regenerus Labs is delighted to be a gold sponsor of this year’s 2022 BANT AGM and Conference.

The BANT AGM and Conference 2022 is the most important annual event for The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT), the leading professional body for Registered Nutrition Practitioners.

The BANT AGM and Conference 2022 combines BANT’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), for members, with a leading-edge Conference, open to all health professionals, featuring high-profile international speakers on topics in nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

The event is organized by the Nutritional Medicine Institute (NMI) in partnership with BANT. NMI is a leading continuing professional education provider.

Conference Details

Mental Health, Precision Nutrition, and Lifestyle Medicine: Translating Evidence to Clinical Practice will feature leading educators and clinicians who are experts on emergent scientific and clinical evidence in the specialist area of nutritional psychiatry, lifestyle psychiatry, precision nutrition, personalised medicine, and integrative medicine.

The focus of the conference is the translation of evidence for nutrition and lifestyle factors to preventative and management approaches for mental health, in particular anxiety, depression, and behavioural disorders, to practical strategies that can be implemented in clinical practice. Key health specialties and subspecialty disciplines include psychiatry, neurology, endocrinology, precision health, nutritional medicine, nutrigenomics, lifestyle medicine, integrative medicine, and preventive medicine.

Who are BANT?

The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) is a professional body for Registered Nutrition Practitioners. Its primary function is to assist its members in attaining the highest standards of integrity, knowledge, competence and professional practice, in order to protect the client’s interests, nutritional therapy and the Registered Nutrition Practitioners.

BANT offers a wide range of benefits to members and has its finger on the pulse for any changes or new developments within this dynamic profession.

About NMI

The Nutritional Medicine Institute (NMI) is an educational, advocacy and research group committed to advancing the science and practice of nutritional medicine.

Their main aims are to increase awareness of the crucial role of diet and nutrition as a determinant of health, and touse nutritional science to inform the application of personalised dietary interventions and nutrient-based supplements in clinical practice.

To achieve this, they publish the Nutritional Medicine Journal and host leading events that engage and empower researchers, health professionals, and health advocates with the latest developments in nutritional medicine.
