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Diagnostics on demand.
Providing you with simple, easy access to world-leading laboratories that deliver the broadest range of wellness focussed diagnostic testing services.
For health professionals and patients across the UK and around the world.

Receive 60% off retail price, when you buy 3 of the below US BioTek tests.

BANT AGM and Conference attendee offer submission form

To celebrate the BANT AGM conference, we’ve arranged an exciting offer with one  of our new lab partner, US BioTek. US BioTek is an industry-leading US lab that pioneers testing methods with quality results and the highest degree of reproducibility. To learn more about them, click here.

The offer:

Receive 60% off retail price, when you buy 3 of the below US BioTek tests. Of the selected list, you can order three different or three of the same tests.

The selected tests:

Food Sensitivity



  • Candida Antigen and IgG, IgA and IgM Panel (both dried blood spot and serum options)

How to receive the offer:

  • Fill in and submit the offer form below
  • We’ll send you an email with a discount code in the next 1/2 working days
  • Select and purchase 1-3 of the tests listed above through our main site (www.regeneruslabs.com) not via our practitioners portal (www.regeneruslabs-myportal.com)
  • Enter the discount code at the checkout

The rules!

  • order a minimum of 3 of the above selected Biotek tests
  • register for offer by the end of the event (22nd May 2022) use the offer by Friday (27th May 2022)
  • your patient’s sample must be returned no later than Saturday 30th June 2022

Submit form
